I started the Paleo lifestyle on May 14th, 2012. I have personally enjoyed it a great deal and I think benefited from it quite a bit over the past year. Recently, many people have been asking about it, how I started, and how it works. As such, I decided to put out this guide despite the abundance of them to reflect my opinions and my choices. If it ends up being useful to you, great. Let me know!
My Story
I learned about the Paleo lifestyle by happen chance as I was currently reading about Aquaponics which led me to several web searches on the types of fat of the fish in I wanted to raise and how to influence the Omega-3 rich fats vs. Omega-6 of farmed fish. I learned that most all farmed fish are fed a grain-based diet which changes their entire fat makeup from natural Omega-3 (which is really good for us) to mostly Omega-6 (which we get plenty of and really don’t need more). Wow. So even just eating fish isn’t healthy if you aren’t careful about what they ate. This disturbed my complacency enough to read another book. After some very short and quick research, I came across Robb Wolf’s work in The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet. Robb presents a very in-depth look at various types of fats and how our bodies process them. It was incredibly eye-opening and disturbed me even more. I ended up reading the whole book which Robb ends with a compelling call for a 30-day challenge. As I am such a data-driven individual, I couldn’t resist this approach and I started my 30-days which has turned into a year and some change at this point, never looking back. Over the course of the year I have read a lot of books, blogs, cookbooks, sites, and other information to augment my learning and understanding of eating natural foods. I’ve learned how to shop, what to get and what to avoid at local restaurants, and how to cook new things as well as even ventured into how to reduce chemicals in daily health and hygiene. All in all it is quite an adventure and I have to say it is rewarding and eye-opening. It has completely changed my perspective on our food system and agricultural system to the point where I won’t be able to blissfully return to old habits that are considered the norm by many. So, this is my warning. If you want to remain blissfully unaware, don’t read these things. It will make you think and question your current daily practices. If you want to get fit and get healthy and learn how to support a healthy community of locally sourced food and farmers, do read on.
My Advice
If you are a data-driven person, not fighting any particular self-image demons but just curious and love the biology/chemistry of things and knowing how everything works: Start Here. Robb’s book is considered by most to be the best starting point. I think it could be a turn off to many if they aren’t really into the data and the science of it all, but, it worked for me for sure. Robb has a podcast and is great to follow.
If you are emotion-driven person, fighting self-image or self-esteem issues or want to “go on a diet” to “get skinny” or “be beautiful” then I highly recommend you Start Here. This book is great and amazing and a wonderful inspiration to getting started in Paleo. Jason Seib and Sarah Fragoso are two of my favorite people to follow now that I have visited the masses.
No matter which one you start with, after you finish it, read the other one.
I can’t find anything good to eat! What do I eat?
You need to cook it. Plain and simple. This may seem crazy at first given how far many of us have all gotten from our kitchens, but it is doable and sustainable and eventually you will want for little else.
Here are a few good books to help get you going.
Paleo Comfort Foods – my first paleo cookbook.
Paleo Recipe Cookbook – no frills, many good things
Well Fed – high end, pretty nice options. Good for company.
Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook – One of my go to books for dinner and company. Sarah has some great stuff!
All About Roasting – This isn’t Paleo, but it helped me learn how to cook some things and I use it a lot and just modify the ingredients.
Gather – More of a presentation book but it has great holiday dishes in it
For the kids:
I haven’t used these on the kids yet as I just got them but I will let you know how they are.
Paleo Pals
Eat Like a Dinosaur
On the wish list:
Beyond Bacon
Everyday Paleo Around the World: Italian Cuisine
Well Fed 2
Modern Cave Girl – this isn’t a cook book as such but perhaps yet another good living guide.
I also am known to post a few recipes and other things that I like here and here.
This may end up being a follow-up post because it can get complicated and took a long time for me to find brands in Muncie, Indiana that work for me.
I now try to buy as many things local as possible and ship as a last resort. I urge you to reach out in your local community and find a farmer who is doing it right and make them your friends. Visit their farm (please don’t skip this step)! Support them every way you can. This is one of the only ways out of our food system jam we are in. Seriously, do it. If you are in the Muncie area, The Beckers are great. The farmer’s market trip is second , things I can’t find there are augmented by Green Bean Delivery to keep it as locally sourced as possible. Things I can’t find there are augmented by Meijer which seems to have consistently the best selection and best organized of the chains available to us. Things I can’t find there go to Amazon as last resort or a trip to Earth Fare in Indy.
I can share some of the things I have bought online as a last resort to help augment your shopping but I encourage you to find a farmer first.
Steve’s PaleoGoods
Wild Planet Sardines
Common Mistakes
This post sums up some of the best reasons things can go wrong for new folks. Sleep is huge, don’t underestimate it. Getting 8 hours of sleep is more important than working out. Did you catch that?? Good. It’s true.
This is one I have learned you don’t want to get wrong. Pay heed to what Jason said in the Paleo Coach. He knows! With that said, if you finished his book and still need help, I recommend a personal trainer if you are a social/gym type or EP Lifefit otherwise. I fit the latter.
I am sure there are some things I have forgotten but I wanted to get this out there for my friends that have asked as well as others that might be interested. I’ll add to it or make more posts over time. Please ask if you have questions.
Paleo sort of found me, as such, I’m not a super vocal advocate unless asked, but if people ask, I will share and help as much as you can tolerate. Enjoy and thanks for reading!
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